The sale of property in Richmond, Nelson has enabled the Nelson Tasman Methodist Parish to purchase four rental houses with the proceeds. Tenants are grateful to be able to access modern, safe housing at an affordable rate. In December 2021 the Richmond congregation voted unanimously to sell their well-positioned church and Wesley gardens and unite with the Stoke congregation. A land story was prepared and MCPC approved the sale of the property. A committee including representatives from the Richmond and Stoke congregations was appointed to advise and manage the removal of chattels and the sale. A sales agent was appointed, and the committee accepted a tender from the Tasman District Council with settlement due last August. A deconsecrating service in the Richmond church on 30 July was led by the Rev Kathryn Walters, Synod Superintendent. The Richmond congregation’s recommendation to purchase rental accommodation suitable for those who struggle to find affordable accommodation was agreed to by MCPC and four modern stand-alone houses were purchased with proceeds from the sale. The homes are all tenanted by people, in or near retirement age, who have not achieved home ownership. The parish now owns six rental houses including the previous St. John’s and Richmond parsonages as well as five flats on the Stoke site built in 1976. Caption: Residents Peter and Bruce are very happy with their new homes purchased with the proceeds of the Richmond Church. © All rights reserved, Methodist Church of New Zealand 2023
For a number of years the Nelson Tasman Methodist Parish has supported this annual Christian World Service (CWS) fund raising event to support the ever growing number of refugees world wide Currently more than 82.4 million people have fled their homes due to war, persecution or natural disasters . These refugees and displaced people from Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Ukraine and other places desperately need food shelter, education, medical care, which are all basic human rights. To raise the funds to assist this need a group of our parishioners have walked a relatively short distance to emulate in a very small way what refugees and displaced people have to do to find a safe refuge. The parish walk has always ended at a cafe where the walkers and others who wish to join, relax and socialise over refreshments. This year thirteen of our congregation walked to the Ernest Rutherford Retirement Village Cafe where they were joined by another two parishioners. Over $120 was raised that day for Operation Refugee.