Welcome to join our
Sunday Service at 10am.

We are Christ focused and community centred.
We are a welcoming and inclusive church community, where everyone is embraced with open arms regardless of their background or beliefs.

  • 94 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson, New Zealand

Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa https://www.methodist.org.nz/

Community Sing Along

Meets 1st Wednesday of month 1.30-3.pm. For an hour a range of songs from the 1900s to 1970s are chosen by the participants from individual folders with accompaniment by piano guitar and banjo. Afternoon Tea follows. A gold coin donation for the Nelson Hospital Chaplaincy service is appreciated. Contact Paul Tregurtha 027 523 1170

Men’s Breakfast 1st Saturday in month

Men’s Breakfast 1st Saturday in month

From 9am til 10.15 am. Venue usually Zink Cafe in Richmond..A time for food fun and friendship in a welcome inclusive environment. Contact Paul Tregurtha 027 523 1179 for more details.

Faith Exploring [Living the Question]Group

1st and 3rd Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Our church discussion group is an open forum where everyone is encouraged to share their views. In the past, we've studied materials from "Living The Questions" and other contemporary resources when suggested by participants. It's a small, intimate group of 6 to 10 people. You're more than welcome to join us if you're interested in exploring different perspectives on Christianity. This is a great opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussions and learn from each other's experiences and interpretations of faith. The open and collaborative nature of the group allows for a rich exchange of ideas, as we seek to deepen our understanding of Christianity in a respectful and inclusive environment. I believe you'll find it to be a rewarding and enlightening experience. Please let the presbyter know if you have any other questions or if you'd like to join us for our next meeting. We are happy to provide more details about the group and its activities.

The Evening Study Group .

Every month on the second Tuesday, Time: 7.30-8.30 pm We have a monthly evening study group for those who are unable to join our daytime fellowship due to other commitments. This provides an alternative opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and continue our spiritual growth together. During our sessions, we've had conversations centred around the lectionary readings, as well as studied various DVD-based materials. The format is designed to balance fellowship and study, creating an open and welcoming environment where we can share our faith journeys. Participants are encouraged to share anything they feel comfortable with during our time together. This could include reflections on the topic at hand, personal experiences, or simply engaging in thoughtful dialogue. The evening study group is a valuable resource for those seeking a more flexible option to connect with our church community and deepen their understanding of Christianity. It's a chance to learn from each other, build relationships, and explore your faith in a supportive setting. You are most welcome to join us for our next monthly session. Please let the presbyter know if you have any questions or would like more information about the group. I'd be happy to provide additional details and ensure you feel prepared to participate.

Cuppa & Conversation

Every 2nd Tuesday 2.30pm to 3.30pm. February to November. A time of fellowship for church members and others. The format being fairly informal with afternoon tea and short talks by members or community representatives followed by discussion. The topics are varied ranging from humerous experiences to details of community groups. Companionship, learning and entertainment for anyone who wishes to join us plus a bite to eat and cuppa!


Every Thursday Feb – Dec 6.45 pm to 7.30 pm. in church. As well as practicing the Sunday choir anthems the weekly hymns are critiqued so that the choir can lead the congregation for new or lesser known hymns. No audition is required to join. Come along and join our vocal fellowship

Exploring Silence

Every Wednesday 10.40 to 11.00 am. We have a meditation group that meets in the chapel. You could also call it a quiet prayer group, as it offers a unique type of meditative experience. Unlike other meditation groups, we do not read any texts or listen to messages. Instead, we start and end the session with a simple song. After the silent meditation, we leave the chapel quietly and have a brief, informal chat outside the church or in a comfortable nearby area. The group typically consists of 4 to 9 people. You are most welcome to join us if you're interested in trying a new, introspective approach to meditation. This format allows for a truly peaceful and reflective experience, as we come together in silence to nurture our spiritual well-being. The lack of structured content creates a more open-ended and personal journey for each participant. Please let the presbyter know if you have any other questions about our meditation group. I'd be happy to provide more details and discuss how you can get involved.

Women's Fellowship

4th Saturday in the month February to November. 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm approx. An informal fellowship of women over lunch and an hour or so afterwards. All women most welcome.

Stoke Prayer Group

4th Tuesday 1.30 pm

Our parish takes great pride in supporting a number of organizations in various ways, as we believe in giving back to the community and making a positive impact on those around us. We warmly welcome you to be a part of our support group. There is always room for you, and we would be honored to have you join us.

  •  1/02/2025 05:00 PM

BBQ in church grounds. Register with Valerie or Barbara for catering purposes. Please bring your own plate and cutlery

  •  2/11/2024 12:00 PM - 3/11/2024 12:00 PM
  •   94 Neale Ave

Programme for 2nd November 2024 (times are approximate) 11.30am Doors open Memory tree - add name of person to be remembered Welcome punch drink 12.00 Lunch 1.00pm Displays in lounge or slides in church 1,30pm Memories and hymns old and new in Church 2.30pm Fijian Choir in church 3.00pm cutting of cake and afternoon tea in hall Displays still available. 3rd November 10.00am Communion Service

  •  8/10/2024 02:30 PM
  •   94 Neale Ave, Stoke, Nelson

Invitation to a special book launch Please join author Anne Manchester and the Rev Martin Oh at a special Nelson Tasman launch of Peace is Her Song: The life and legacy of hymn writer Shirley Erena Murray. When: 8 October, 2.30pm Where: Stoke Church of the Nelson Tasman Methodist Parish, 94 Neale Ave What to expect: A celebration of Shirley’s life and gifts as this country’s and one of the world’s most noted hymn poets. Bring your singing voices too! Books will be on sale for $50. Eftpos available. For more information about Peace is Her Song, go to www.philipgarsidebooks.com

  •  11/06/2024 02:30 PM
  •   Church Lounge

Home fire and safety

  •  19/05/2024 10:00 AM
  •   Stoke Methodist Church

10 am Sunday Worship Service will be held on MAY 19 2024 for the many former West Coasters who now reside in the Nelson Tasman District or in Marlborough and Canterbury. Services of this nature have been successfully held in Christchurch in various churches for a number of years. The venue for the Nelson service will be the Nelson Tasman Methodist Parish’s Church at 94 Neale Ave Stoke, Nelson . The congregation of that parish will also be in attendance. Ian Davidson will be the guest preacher for the service. Ian was born in Hokitika, and is an experienced lay minister and preacher who has served in NZ , Australia and New Guinea If you would wish to attend this special service, or know others who may be interested, please contact Shona McLean at shona.mclean138@gmail.com or 021 078 5597. Any questions please phone Paul Tregurtha on (03) 546 4358 or email pwtrig@gmail.com.

  •  2/03/2024 09:00 PM
  •   Golf Club Cafe
  •  13/02/2024 02:30 PM
  •   Stoke Church Lounge

A fire officer speaking on Home fire and safety, afternoon tea included

  •  4/02/2024 12:00 AM
  •   Stoke Methodist church
  •  25/12/2023 10:00 AM
  •  12/12/2023 02:30 PM
  •  14/11/2023 02:30 PM

Speaker Maaike Faber van Burik on Enliven Positive Ageing Services

  •  7/11/2023 02:00 PM

Marcus Borg was a renowned New Testament scholar who helped many re-evaluate and deepen their Christian faith. This retrospective looks back at his influential work and lifelong journey questioning and reconstructing traditional beliefs. We welcome people from all backgrounds to join our thoughtful, inclusive conversations. No prior knowledge is required. Together we'll consider Borg's perspective on topics like Jesus, God, scripture and spirituality. All seekers are welcome as we explore our own faith journeys and get different viewpoints.

  •  17/09/2023 10:00 AM

Members’ hobbies will be on display for you to view while enjoying your cuppa. Everyone in the congregation is encouraged to exhibit their handywork.

Martin Sungchel Oh


Nadia Madill

Parish Steward

Wayne Chapman

Parish Steward

Don Horne


Barbara Watson

Parish Secretary

Richmond Retirees Grateful for New Housing. — May 30th, 2023

The sale of property in Richmond, Nelson has enabled the Nelson Tasman Methodist Parish to purchase four rental houses with the proceeds. Tenants are grateful to be able to access modern, safe housing at an affordable rate. In December 2021 the Richmond congregation voted unanimously to sell their well-positioned church and Wesley gardens and unite with the Stoke congregation. A land story was prepared and MCPC approved the sale of the property. A committee including representatives from the Richmond and Stoke congregations was appointed to advise and manage the removal of chattels and the sale. A sales agent was appointed, and the committee accepted a tender from the Tasman District Council with settlement due last August. A deconsecrating service in the Richmond church on 30 July was led by the Rev Kathryn Walters, Synod Superintendent. The Richmond congregation’s recommendation to purchase rental accommodation suitable for those who struggle to find affordable accommodation was agreed to by MCPC and four modern stand-alone houses were purchased with proceeds from the sale. The homes are all tenanted by people, in or near retirement age, who have not achieved home ownership. The parish now owns six rental houses including the previous St. John’s and Richmond parsonages as well as five flats on the Stoke site built in 1976. Caption: Residents Peter and Bruce are very happy with their new homes purchased with the proceeds of the Richmond Church. © All rights reserved, Methodist Church of New Zealand 2023

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For a number of years the Nelson Tasman Methodist Parish has supported this annual Christian World Service (CWS) fund raising event to support the ever growing number of refugees world wide Currently more than 82.4 million people have fled their homes due to war, persecution or natural disasters . These refugees and displaced people from Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Ukraine and other places desperately need food shelter, education, medical care, which are all basic human rights. To raise the funds to assist this need a group of our parishioners have walked a relatively short distance to emulate in a very small way what refugees and displaced people have to do to find a safe refuge. The parish walk has always ended at a cafe where the walkers and others who wish to join, relax and socialise over refreshments. This year thirteen of our congregation walked to the Ernest Rutherford Retirement Village Cafe where they were joined by another two parishioners. Over $120 was raised that day for Operation Refugee.

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